Met with Sallie today, so I need to get the routine down before I forget it!! Surprise, surprise...
I'm overdoing it again. That explains the groin pain I haven't been able to get rid of for over a week now. It's the reason for the pain described
in the last post.
3/14/2006 Routine 7
- Modification to leg lifts in Routine 3 --lie flat on back, left leg bent. Flex quad muscle so calf is slightly off the floor/bench. Lift leg up to approximately 45 degrees, then return leg to table. Do 3 sets of 6, then build from there. If it becomes too easy, add 1/2 pound weight increments.
- Modification to hip lift in Routine 3 --place feet on chair, about 4 inches lower than the bench. With both knees bent, lift left knee up off chair. Lift hip up until back is straight. Return to bench. Do the same with the right leg. 3 sets of 6, building up as tolerated.
- Stability ball while seated on ball, place feet together. Lift right knee up, and place directly back down. Lift left knee up in the same fashion. Do this as quickly as possible without losing balance.
- Stability ball--only after above exercise gets easier--rest shoulders on ball, lift knees up in same fashion as above.
- Change to cardio machine routine--try 3-3 minute sessions on the elliptical machine. This is NOT for cardio, it is for strengthening, so go light on resistance and stabalize myself as needed using the railings. Mix this in with 15-20 minutes on a recumbent and 15-20 minutes on upright.
- Hip tilt--Stand facing wall, fingers on wall, ONLY for stability. Otherwise, hands on hips. Lift right leg. Tilt hips up toward the right, then sway to the left. Working small muscle in glutes. Do the same with the other leg. Start with 3 sets of 6, building up, as tolerated. Do this exercise at the end of all others as it will fatigue muscles quickly. DON'T do on same day as pulleys.
- Calf Raise--Standing, facing a wall, bend left leg at the knee (5-10 pound weight on ankle), then return to standing position. Do the same with the right leg. Do 3 sets of 6-10.
- Lying hip adduction--lying on the operated side, bend right leg with foot flat on the floor, left leg out straight. Lift the left leg up and then return to the floor. Do 3 sets of 6-10.
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