Stationary Bike--3 minutes, no resistance up to tolerated time limit
- Quadriceps--lie face down, bring R heel to bottom, hold 10+ secs (1x3); repeat with left
- Quad/Back/Hip--on hands and knees, sit on heels and bring shoulders toward knees, hold 10+ secs (1x3)
- Abs--After the Quad/Back/Hip stretch, stretch out on stomach and push up on lower part of arms (1x3)
- Groin/Adductor--lie on back with knees and feet together. Let knees fall apart as soles of feet come together. Use gravity only to stretch groin area. (1x3)
- Shift Weight, side-to-side, front-to-back (1x10)
- Hip Lift--lie face up, bend R knee more than L, push with both feet to lift hips (3x6)
- Leg lift--lie face up, bend R knee, lift thigh to vertical, straighten knee to 45 degrees, fix knee at that angle and lower foot to bed (3x6); repeat with left to greatest angle comfortable

Continue Routine 3 and add the following.
Stretches (use a folded towel at top of sacrum for both):
- Hamstring--hold R thigh at vertical, straighten knee, pull toes down, hold for 10+ secs (1x3); repeat with L leg
- Hip--pull R knee toward L shoulder to stretch hip; stop if it hurts in front, hold for 10+ secs (1x3); repeat with L leg
- Add a plumb line to the weight shifting from routine 3; side-to-side, line should go from middle of body to the right, don't let it go to the left when standing straight; front-to-back, keep line in the middle as much as possible
- Knee Lift--lie on left side, knees bent. Lift R knee, but NOT foot (3x6) repeat with left
- 4 Point Crossed Extension--on hands and knees, lift and extend right leg to horizontal. Legs ONLY, don't use arms; hold pelvis still, imagine a water glass tray balanced on my back; repeat with left
Stability Ball--sit on ball with legs hip width apart. Move legs/feet closer together and maintain balance. Lean forward and back, side-to-side with feet together, all the while attempting to maintain balance and keep even weight on both feet.
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