I get the bike out, hop on, and DOH!! Where are my freakin' pedals!?! Ah, that's right, Matt stole them from me and put them on his 29er. They were EggBeater pedals, so I wanted to try them out on a ride. Well, all his pedals were on the bikes so tight, I couldn't get them off, so I stole my Candies from the Intense and was on my way.
I told myself I'd be good...I'd stay on the paved trail. I rode the trainer and did the elliptical for a bit last night, and my PT told me I need to be careful about overdoing it. The plan: ride the paved Tramway Trail. I was bad. Who cares...I decided to ride through the neighborhood a bit, then dropped down for a segment of the Tramway Trail. I got to the road that leads up to Elena Gallegos and decided, what the hell? There's a nice, steady, low-grade climb in the dirt up to the park check-in building. I took that up, slow and steady. I needed a couple of breaks due to some mild cramping in muscles I didn't realize I had. I made it to the top, and decided to try out the actual trail. It was cool! Swoopy, sweet, then rocks! Ouch! That isn't comfortable, even on the Moots right now. Too much jostling on the hip joint. I didn't go very far, but did enough to make myself happy. I rode down the same dirt trail I came up, which wasn't very comfortable either, so I took it slow to avoid the bumps. I'm slow and have lost my agility, but it will come back as the muscles strengthen up, I'm sure.

Total ride time: Who cares??
Tomorrow...the road bike!!