Saturday, May 20, 2006

Team MJ Inc

Got in a great road ride with Matt today! I took out the new Surly for a spin. Mike, from Bike World, gave me a ring right at 6:00 PM last night, 30 minutes before they close, so Matt and I went out immediately to the shop. I had to have my new bike!! It's a Surly Pacer with the Fatties Fit Fine design--perfect for my new commuter machine.

This bike is a work of art! The steel frame is an unbelievable ride. Mike and Matt told me I'd really like the ride of a steel frame, but you just don't know what to think until you try it. Honestly? I didn't think I'd notice much of a difference, maybe something slight. In reality, what I observed immediately after riding around the neighborhood is that the damping effect is superb. It's like running on a padded running track instead of concrete or asphalt. Total bling for a mountain biker, trailer park trash-like for a stuck up roadie. I love it!

Now I have 2 awesome options for the road. I can be race ready on the carbon Giant TCR 1, or go for a comfy (yet still fast) ride on the Surly.

I got this bike so I could commute to work a couple times a week. I'm waiting for my new building to be's closer to home. But I'm tempted to ride all the way out to BFE where my current building is now, considering how fun this bike is.

So...back to the ride for the day. Matt and I took off from the house and took Tramway to work. The idea was that Matt was going to show me the route, I'd head home, and he'd head out to the Crest and back. Turned out, we went to work, turned around, then headed to Einstein's for a bagel, cuz Matt's stomach was growling. He decided to hang out with the slow poke today, so after a quick break, we headed back toward Tramway, and did the neighborhood climbs back to the house. It was a fun ride! We ended up with about 30 miles, probably about 2:18 hrs ride time, and a little over 3 hrs total time. I managed to burn about 1150 calories and had an average heartrate around 130. I think I maxed at about 171 today.

I'm hoping to hit a short ride tomorrow, but I won't push it. 1) I don't want to be grounded to the trainer, and 2) gotta be ready for the Thursday mountain bike ride I'm leading. It's be the usual suspects, me, Paige and Kim. I'm hoping Kara will show up, and maybe even a newbie to Albuquerque, Kiyoko!

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