Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Wind and Sprinkles

It rained today! Unfortunately not enough to get us the moisture we really need, but I guess every bit counts. I had planned an after work road ride, so despite the wind, I decided to get out and do it. I attempted to head down Tramway Blvd. toward the Casino, but a side wind kept pushhing me toward traffic. I had absolutely no control of the bike and was freaked out to say the least. I decided to head back and do some neighborhood riding instead. I was hoping I'd be blocked from some of the wind...for the most part, it worked.

Took the road to La Cueva campground since the La Luz road was way too hard for me...still can't stand in the saddle, so needed something with less of a grade. I stand for most of La Luz, even on my better days! Anyway, got to the top of La Cueva and immediately headed down. I got creeped out by the fact that each camp area (these are picnic areas, not overnights) had 1 vehicle in it. Nobody out, just the vehicle. What does someone do solo at a picnic area?? To top it all off, this guy on a small motorcycle came creeping up the road at a very slow pace behind me. He had a full helmet on with a totally black visor so I couldn't see his face. I was at the top of the road, turned around, and got the hell outta there. Don't think I'll be riding that road anymore.

Finished up with a neighborhood ride. Forgot the stats, but I think it was about 19 miles, 1 hr, 40 minutes.

Time for bed.

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