So I made another riding milestone today! It's the most climbing than I've done in a concentrated period of time since the surgery. I took the Giant down to the Casino and climbed back up Tramway, then headed up the 2nd climb to the Tram and around that and headed back to Tramway. My 3rd and final climb for the afternoon was up Elena Gallegos, past the guard shack and around the little look where the picnic areas are.
I was going to call this ride the
Triple Lindy, but the *real* Triple Lindy for me will be the Casino climb, La Luz, and then the Tram. I never even did that before surgery!

So, I'm heading up the Casino climb (the pic is actually heading toward the Casino) at about 12.3 mph (fast for me--I'm usually around 10 mph at this point of the climb) and huffing and puffing when I see this huge shadow creeping up behind me. The biker behind me decides to draft me, doesn't say anything, just starts hanging onto my wheel to catch his breath. I say hi, he responds, and eventually rides next to me and stirs up a bit of small talk before heading on ahead of me. This dude was huge (tall, not fat)!! I'm telling you, the length of his legs had to have been about as long as my body, minus my head. I've seen him before, Trek bike, freak of nature legs. There's no way he could have been getting any drafting benefits off me, considering my size. Matt says he was probably just checking out my ass. Guys are perverts.

Heading up to the Tram was uneventful, other than almost getting hit by a car backing out of a parking spot behind the Tram building. I sped back down from here and road Tramway Blvd slower than usual...I was definitely starting to run out of energy.
I think at this point, my ride time was 51 minutes. So I sucked down some water, tried to recover without going too slow, and headed to Elena.
Again, another uneventful climb, not many roadies out today. I made it past the guard shack (
I think I was at 1:08 hrs here) to the top of the picnic area and see an Albuquerque Police Dept SUV parked with an officer working on paperwork inside the vehicle. I give a nod to say hey--it's cool to see them out there keeping the areas safe! I keep going on and the cop follows me and rolls down the window...turns out it's Pat. He's one of 20 police officers that works with
Open Space. He came to one of our
FooMTB meetings a while back ago. He's busy as usual, but had just gotten in a Foothills ride before getting back to work. How cool is that?!? So, after chatting a bit with Pat, I head all the way back to Tramway Blvd. On the climb up,
the hip started to hurt right as I passed the turn off to Eagle Ridge. This is good to note, as I think I'm going to do this ride more often to mark progress. I decided against riding the neighborhood because that would have entailed more climbing.

Got back to the turn off to the house and I had in 19.4 miles. Doh!! So close! So I turned onto Tramway Vista and wrapped around...not enough, 19.8!! I biked around our condo and came right in at 20. Yeah!! Oh, and yes, that's a picture of the turnoff to our house. No, I didn't take it. I found it searching for Albuquerque images. Some person actually took pictures of their drive around Albuquerque and posted them online. Good grief!
So, here are the
stats for today:
- Distance: 20 miles
- Max speed: 37.1
- Average speed: 14.7
- Total time: 1:30 hrs
- Ride time: 1:25 hrs
- Average heartrate: 163 (Damn that's high!! It's usually around 140ish.)
- Calories: 641 (this seems VERY low. I'm not believing that reading considering how hard I rode today--who knows)
- Casino climb stats (1st climb): max--13 mph; min--7.9 mph
- Tram climb stats (2nd climb): max--8.9 mph; min--4.0 mph (yep, I was a hurting puppy here, no break time really between the Casino and here)
- Elena climb stats (3rd climb): max--10.1 mph; min--7.0 mph (pretty typical for me, so it looks like the short flat across Tramway was a good recovery)
Tomorrow is the Chica ride!
Did anyone else every mention that there are no trees? Where'd they go. Matt always has trees in his pics. Hmmm.
You see green in the pics, don't you?!? ;o)
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