So, here are the stats for the evening:
- Distance: 14.6 miles
- Max speed: 25.5 mph
- Average speed: 9.1 mph
- Ride time: 1:33 hrs
- Total time: 2:00 hrs
- Calories: 700
Not too shabby for someone who hasn't been on a bike in years! The girl is gonna be scary once she's used to the altitude and has ridden some more.
We stuck to the Elena Gallegos area, heading out from the house. The usual weekly night ride. Not too many bikers out tonight, and the chuckheads decided to stay home, which was a pleasant relief. Sue is now riding middle of the pack, we don't want her getting knocked over by an out-of-control fatty! Gotta protect her and the new cargo she's got growing inside.
Well, tomorrow is my Friday. Yeah! No plans yet for the weekend, but we shall see. I'm sure I'll be riding somewhere. Good news? No painting!!
You're too nice to me. :) Thanks for posting the stats, I was wondering what they were.
The trails were awesome, probably the best ones I've ever been on. I can't wait till I get back into the swing of things so I can keep up with you all!
And amazingly enough, I wasn't nearly as sore as I thought I'd be. So that's a good thing!
Thanks again for inviting me, I had a great time.
Glad you were able to make it, we always like to have new riders in the group! Plus, it will be cool for you to meet Kim. She'll be there next week. She lives on your part of town, which could make it convenient for the 2 of you to do rides too.
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