Biked the Bosque paved trail with Paige again today. As usual, another great NM day--a bit windy though, but that's just a part of living here. We took the paved Bosque trail as far as it went and then headed back. Ended up with 35.6 miles, 13.5 mph average (we got a headwind going both ways! another unique NM feature), 2 hr 38 min ride time, 2 hr 47 min total time.
We planned on doing a light spin on the way out (since we were going into a headwind), staying in our small ring and averaging 15 mph--I guess this is a coaching technique Paige had learned for recovery rides--I was still recovering from my Foothills ride yesterday, and the spin seems to help loosen up the joint and the muscles. On the return, we'd hit it a lot harder in the large chain ring. The wind of course changed that plan, but we still had a great time. Not as many people out on the trail as last weekend.
Paige, Sue and Denise came over for brew and chat at around 5 PM. We hung out, hoping Matt would get back from the San Ysidro Dirty Century soon so we could eat. Unfortunately, nobody had eaten much since riding (Sue and Denise were at the White Mesa today), so the stomachs only had so much patience. We threw on the burgers and chowed away...waited for Matt "just like one pig waits for another" as my Grandpa used to say.
Matt got back as we were finishing up, so we threw on another burger for him and poured him a cold one--Il Vicino's IPA, no less for a man who has just come back from a 105 mile ride!!
What a great way to end the day. We all sat out on the deck and watched the sun set. The wind had died down, and it was warm enough to be outside with a jacket on. That's the way life's supposed to be.
"Spend everyday casual, but industrious; Every moment alert, but relaxed." --Guy Finley
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