This time, she has managed to get $300K to support an addition to the DIRT Bosque trail!! The deal needs to go through on the final Transportation Appropriations bill, but if it does, we're getting some new trail! This will be an extension to the very very cool little Bosque trail network that you can zip around in within 2 hrs. Heather would like to see the trail extended all the way to Corrales at least--this is great!

- Colonel Kathleen D. Close, January 25, 2002 - July 10, 2003
- Colonel Henry L. Andrews, Jr., July 10, 2003 - July 7, 2005
- Colonel Terrence A. Feehan, July 7, 2005 - Present
So, today, I biked from the house to the Bosque trail to meet Heather and others who were invited to go on a short ride/walk. Turns out the press was there (Channel 4 and 13). Heather gave a quick press conference, then she had Diane Scena, Trails Planner for the Mid-Regin Council of Governments; Tom Baltes (in the pic above), president of the Double Eagle Hike and Bike Club; and me, representing IMBA and FooMTB speak to the press as well.
It started raining by the time we were ready to head out, so we split up. Heather and family went home, Tom and his wife Louise continued for a 6-mile walk, and I took off for Bernalillo on NM313. It kept raining as I biked, but I thought it might turn to a light drizzle...no such luck, so I eventually headed home, did a spin on the flat Tramway to Elena, then headed up and back to the house. I think I got about 35 miles in, although the bike computer stopped while I was with Heather and it didn't restart on its own like it's supposed to.
Tomorrow I'm doing a ride with Paige and Sue. We had wanted to go to Santa Fe, but the rain is just too much! I'm thrilled we have it, so I won't complain. We're going to ride Juan Tabo and all the Foothills instead...the soil should be great with all the rain we've had.
Doesn't it suck when you can't hate politicians anymore? Sounds like rain is a good thing for you guys. Hurray!
Oh, there are more than enough politicians I can still hate in this country. :)
The rain is excellent! It was actually humid out yesterday...that doesn't happen too often around here.
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