Monday, September 04, 2006


I'm back! After an entire week (it felt like an eternity), Blogger has finally fixed my account. I got mixed up with the Beta Blogger version they are creating. Turns out, they are synching Google accounts with Blogger accounts. My problem? When I originally created my Blogger account, I had used my Google account username and password for Blogger. I've got so many usernames and passwords floating around in my head that I just wanted to keep things simple. Bad move, but who would have known that Google and Blogger would join forces?!?
In the meantime, I started a new blog:
I haven't decided if I'm going to stay with WordPress or come back to Blogger. I'm leaning toward WordPress because they have been absolutely awesome! I submitted some feedback with a question (knowing full well I'd never get a response), and lo and behold, I got an answer in probably an hour! I'm thoroughly impressed. Spokin' Sportsman uses WordPress, and we use a version of it at work. Seems to work well, so in the meantime, bookmark the above site until I make up my mind, which could be never. ;o)
So, help me out! Leave a comment and tell me which site you like better, the Blogger one or the WordPress one. Thanks!

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