So, here were the stats--very poor, but I suppose lots of room for improvement is the upside of the whole thing. I went down to the Casino, did the intervals on Tramway, then climbed to the Tram, then through the neighborhood and back home. RT: 1:00 TT: 1:01 (light at Casino) Max speed: 37.7 Avg speed: 13.3 Distance: 13 Avg HR: 145 Cal: 344 No food (1/2 cup coffee), recovery drink at end (180)
Wednesday I rescheduled the Chica ride, since Tuesday evening we met with Heather Wilson's reps, Carri and Colin. Nobody made the Chica ride, so I did a solo on the SS in the Foothills to try out the new 20 in back. What a difference that made!! With the 18, I was working way too hard...I couldn't gain any momentum on the climbs. The new ring makes SSing much more enjoyable! I spin a bit in the flats, but not to the point that it annoys me, so I guess that's a good thing! NOW I can see the enjoyment in a SS. Before, I was beginning to think it was just gonna be pure torture...kinda like intervals. ;o)
20/40 intervals... Geez! SS is the way to go though. I'll be representin' for you next weekend in Stockholm.
Can't wait to hear how you do in Stockholm. Good luck!!
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